Pandemic Chic - Have fun being a caring customer!

I found a matching hat, vinyl garden gloves, mask and shirt.   Everyone should wear a mask.  Make it fun!

I found a matching hat, vinyl garden gloves, mask and shirt. Everyone should wear a mask. Make it fun!

This is what a socially responsible, caring person wears into a store.  I decided to have some fun with it.  I wore a matching mask and vinyl gloves.   I appreciate Menards requires everyone to wear a mask, sanitize the carts in front of you & having aisles that go one way.   They will continue to get my business.

Since COVID 19 is spread by breath, sneezing and coughing, wearing a mask protects others from you spreading the disease.  When they wear a mask they protect you.  Let’s care for one another.  We are in this together.  Seriously, the pandemic will last 2 years.  A little discomfort wearing a mask is worth it.  We are part of a bigger community protecting workers & each other.  If you don’t think it makes a difference watch the video on my blog.