Self-Care Part 3 - Being Gentle to You

Being Gentle to You – If we talked to our friends the way we talk to ourselves, we would have no friends.  We all make mistakes.  Instead of beating yourself up.  Acknowledge, apologize and make amends if necessary.  Also, say to yourself, “Yes, I made a mistake, but I am very capable of learning from my mistakes.  I will do better in the future.”  Appreciate your ability to take responsibility for your actions and your willingness to apologize.  That takes courage.  Be proud of that.

 Take Action:

  • In what ways could you practice kindness with you?  What words would you use? 

  • When you catch you berating yourself, ask “What can I learn from this?”  “What actions can I take to improve myself?” “Do I know of others who make mistakes?  In what ways are they still likeable & loveable?  In what ways is this true for me?”

  • What are the qualities that you have that you admire about yourself?  Write them down.

Include in your Gratitude Journal recognition in your improvements, your growth and willingness to learn.

Difficult Roads lead to Beautiful.jpg