Why do an Internal Cleanse

“Every day we are exposed to thousands of toxins, and they are slowly accumulating in our body. “

Don Colbert, MD, author of Toxic Relief

We are inundated with chemicals in our homes and the environment and they accumulate in our bodies. 

Did you know that body burden studies show:

  • The average adult has 400-800 chemicals stored in their bodies?

  • Newborns are exposed to 200 - 300 chemicals by birth!  Pretty scary!

As you age there is a risk of greater and greater buildup of chemical contamination in your tissues.  This can certainly affect your health and can contribute to degenerative diseases.  When your body is spending energy fighting toxins, it takes away from your vitality.  When you do an internal cleanse you relieve stress on your organs and tissue, enhance your immune function and reduce the stress on the liver. 

It is wise to support your health through an internal cleanse.

Spring is an ideal time to cleanse!

Cleanses do not have to be harsh. In this class learn some gentle ways to cleanse.

Contact us for handouts.

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