Tips to Reduce Holiday Waste
Wrapping gifts in cloth is a great way to reduce trash. You can reuse it too!
Did you know?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans generate about 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day than any other time of the year.
That’s an extra 1,000 pounds of waste per household!
You can make a difference in creating a healthier environment and lowering your carbon footprint with these simple holiday tips:
Waste Not – Aim for Zero Waste
Cook the right amount of food. If you overdo it, arrange for guests to bring home leftovers.
Choose reusable plates, linens, and utensils. If you don't own enough dinnerware to go around, consider borrowing a set from a friend. Or if you go with disposable dinnerware, choose biodegradable products. You can find compostable dinnerware and utensils at Costco, Target or google compostable dinnerware, cups and utensils..
Provide clearly marked recycling and compost bins for guests.
Use live plants or food (like a parade of baby squash or a wooden bowl of green apples) for the table decor.
Print your invites on recycled paper, or, better yet, send e-vites.
Recycle wrapping paper and cardboard: Most wrapping paper and cardboard can be recycled. Brown paper and bags are recyclable. You can decorate with old Christmas Cards,
Choose wrapping paper wisely: Use reusable fabric or recyclable paper to wrap gifts. Avoid anything shiny, glittery or flocked because coated with plastic & can’t be recycled. You can also use old maps, gift bags, brown bags or cloth. Decorate with pine cones, dried flowers.
Recycle holiday lights: Holiday lights can contain wires, bulbs, batteries, and plastic, which can harm the environment. Where can you do that in Twin Cities? Check out:
Make a New Year’s resolution to be more eco-friendly!