New Year – 3 Steps to Look Back and Move Forward!
Learn the lessons from last year to have effective resolutions & more joy in the new year.
With the new year comes the opportunity to create the life we want. Sometimes, we rush into choosing a new year’s resolution without taking the time to figure out what we want to leave behind and the lessons learned.
Step 1 - Think back, “What do you not want to repeat in 2024?”
What did you learn?
What can you do differently this year?
What can you appreciate about last year to create more joy and positive results this year?
2023 was a tough year for me. Those who read my blog know that I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July. In October I ended up in the hospital and transitional care for 21 days with parasites (from my trip to South America), and 2 tick-borne diseases. I almost died.
Do I want to repeat that? Heck no!
I had the experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer 24 years ago. I was able to shrink my tumor before surgery using essential oils that were high in boswelic acids and d-limonene. After 20 years I thought I would never get it again and stopped using them to help support breast health. It was a big mistake. This time I was able to shrink the tumor again. I came through the lumpectomy with flying colors. My cancer markers were in the normal range.
Lesson learned: I will continue the steps to help maintain breast health for the rest of my life. I will use essential oils daily. (If you want an article on how to support breast health, contact me).
Focusing on gratitude brings more joy, especially in difficult times. I am grateful how respectful my surgeon was to my body and how supportive my friends and oncologist were.
Lessons I learned from traveling in a 3rd world country. Do not eat fresh fruit from a market. Do not eat fresh salad even at a hotel restaurant. In the future I will always eat cooked vegetables and will only eat fruit I wash and peel myself.
Avoiding ticks – we have a cabin. I am very careful up there. I wear long pants and am diligent about using a tick spray I make and an effective insect repellent. Where I am not diligent is in the cities. I don’t think about it in the same way. I just met someone who got Lyme’s disease sitting on the grass by Lake Nokomis reading a book. The lesson learned is I need to be just as diligent in the cities as I am up north.
Step 2 – Acknowledge your good experiences, your fine qualities and what you accomplished in the previous year!
Acknowledge & Feel Proud! You did a lot of things right last year. You enjoyed many good experiences and accomplishments. Right now, write them down. Read them through and feel proud! Don’t rush this! Enjoy the feeling!
What got me through being that ill. I have a very healthy lifestyle and was fit before I got sick. It helped me survive. My doctors and physical therapist are amazed at how well I have recovered. It pays off to have a healthy lifestyle! Sometimes, life throws you a curve. I am proud that I have committed to a healthy lifestyle.
Gratitude & emotional support lift you up! My care team of doctors, nurses and nurse assistants was amazing. Thank you to Fairview Southdale hospital. I would not have survived without you. I am so grateful for the care I received. I continually thanked everyone in the hospital when they came into my room to help me.
Thank you to my family, friends and members of EcoSpirits, an environmental group I belong to at my church. Their messages and prayers lifted me up emotionally and spiritually. I am very fortunate to have that kind of support.
Step 3 – Set smaller, practical goals for 1 month!
Often, we choose a huge goal for our New Year’s resolution. It is too overwhelming. It is probably why most people fail by February or March.
Focus on January only. Take actions that are doable for you. They can build towards a bigger goal. Each month you can add to them once you have consistency. In the next month take action that reinforces the previous month.
Remember - Every experience teaches you something and has gifts within it.
My goals in 2024 are to rebuild my health and stamina and create more joy.
1. I need to build my stamina and learn how to pace myself. Doing things in a balanced way rather than pushing myself is not my strength area. The experience of being that sick has taught me constantly pushing myself is not a good idea.
In 2024 I will do some movement & exercise every day to improve my strength & stamina. I will focus on balance not pushing so I will stop and take a break when my energy starts to flag.
2. I will use essential oils and eat foods that support breast health every day.
3. To create more joy I will write down or acknowledge 3 things that I am grateful for each day. I will plan something fun each week.
What are your mini goals for this month?
Tip: If you have trouble releasing negative experiences from the last year, create a ritual. Write down everything you do not want to have in the new year. Burn it. I would burn it in the fireplace or in a metal bowl. At the end I would sprinkle cinnamon on it so I would have a nice aroma. I imagine letting go of the experience and be grateful for the lessons learned.