Day 1 of 14 Days of Self-Love

If we talked to our friends the way we talk to ourselves we wouldn't have friends.

When you catch yourself saying something negative, STOP. Don’t sabotage yourself like that.

Start telling yourself the story you want to be a part of.

Use positive language; speak truth over yourself.

Sometimes our mind chatter argues with us when we are starting to reprogram our self-talk. A powerful way to get around this and say affirmations is ask a question first. Your brain will automatically start answering the questions to set you up for success in internalizing your affirmations!

Here are a couple of examples:

  • If you catch yourself saying, " I can't walk a mile.." Ask yourself, "What if I could to walk a mile?." What would be the 1st step?". Now say your affirmation; “I can easily and effortlessly walk a mile. I will just start with a walking a block and steadily improve.”

  • I am too fat. "In what ways would I feel better at 125 lbs.?" Your brain will automatically answer the question. Then, say your affirmation, " I enjoy being a slim, trim 125lbs or whatever weight is best for you."

Here are some affirmations. What types of questions can you ask first to help program your mind to accep them?

  • I attract positivity and happiness. 

  • I think in abundance, not scarcity.

  • I am secure in who I am. 

  • I am present, patient, and calm. 

  • I am becoming a better me every day. 


Go one step further… write these down and post them on your wall. Recite them daily! Watch and see the magic happen!