Exercising in the New Year
Linda Skiing 14 days in a row this New Year - so fun!
How ae you doing on your New Year’s Resolution? Not great? Don’t worry, just start again. It is not that successful people don’t blow it in reaching their goals. They do. They just start again and recommit until they do.
We are starting the 2nd month of the new year. Often people fail at their new year resolutions because they bite off more than they can chew. If your goal is to be physically fit, start with a simple mini goal for a month. Once you have created that new habit, add another in month 2. By the end of the year you will have a pattern of success and achieved many actions towards your long term goal.
Here are some tips on setting mini goals to create a pattern of success.
Is your goal to improve your fitness level? To be physically fit you need to do about 150 minutes of cardiovascular fitness per week. This is 30 minutes 5 days a week or about 20 minutes 7 days a week. It is also good to do 2-3 days of strength per week. How can you carve out time for 20-30 minutes of exercise? What if you have difficulty doing that? Maybe start with a quick 10 minute walk during a break? Maybe you can stop taking an elevator and take the stairs? If you are out of condition and 10 minutes seems too much, what is wrong with starting with 5 minutes for the 1st month? Nothing! Do 5 minutes for the 1st month every day. The 2nd month do 10 minutes. Within 4 months you are doing 20 minutes and you are creating a lifetime habit of success.
Exercise is critical to your health and having the energy to enjoy life.
Exercise has so many health benefits. It is good for:
Improving Energy Levels
Brain Health & Mental Focus
Heart & Circulatory System
Immune System
Increasing Balance, Strength & Flexibility
Lowering Stress
Promoting Better Sleep
Key Question to help you succeed: How can I make my exercise fun?
This month add some movement. Dance around your house. Get outside and walk, ski or skate. Breath in the fresh air. Start creating your own pattern of success. Have fun!
Mini Goal: Improve Core by doing this 3-5X per week.
Mini Goal: Increase Joy & Flexibility with this short yoga routine.