Self-Care - Part 1
What is Self-Care?
Self-care is a conscious decision to promote your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. The point of self-care is to do something for you that recharges and rejuvenates you.
We have stressful busy lives. I remember, as a mother, I felt I got up in the morning, hit the floor running, and was busy all day with work and children, until I fell back into bed at night. Not so good at self-care.
Self-care is saying you are important! You deserve time for you.
Women sometimes feel guilty about taking time for themselves. Big mistake. If you don’t take time to refresh, you will be more stressed and less patient. When they demonstrate how to use the oxygen mask on the airplane, what do they always say? “Put your own oxygen mask on 1st, then help others.” Remember that! You cannot be as good parent or partner as you would like, if you don’t take care of yourself.
Starting Actions for Self-Care
1. Make a decision to make your health & wellbeing a priority. Nothing happens until you decide that you want it. Then, commit to taking some actions every day to make you feel good emotionally, physically and spiritually.
2. Schedule your self-care time and guard it with your life because you are literally doing just that. It certainly will improve your level of happiness. It is not going to happen if you don’t commit time for it. Put it on you daily & weekly schedule. It is critical to plan regular self-care time. Create some moments to be alone, be still and relaxed. See what bubbles to the surface when you actually have some quiet time. These times can help you feel grounded and also allow your imagination to soar. Who knows what exciting ideas will come up.
Plan time for fun and connecting with friends and family.
Over the next few weeks – we’ll be giving you some ways to incorporate self-care daily into your life!
Grab Your Calendar Right Now! This week:
Schedule in something fun this week.
Schedule something in today that helps .relax you such as a nice cup of tea.
Take 2 minutes just to breathe
Unless you schedule it it is not going to happen