How to Succeed at Your New Year’s Resolutions!
List all the things you accomplished last year.
Schedule 1 small daily action each month!
Give Yourself Credit! You know how to be successful. Often we don’t spend enough time feeling proud of our accomplishments. We focus on what we should have done rather than all the things we did do. Feel good about them and celebrate. List all the things you accomplished last year. Now, set some goals for this year. Below is how to set them up for success.
Very small steps in behavior can produce big changes in your life. This is key to succeeding at this year’s resolutions to improve your health and life. Start with building a pattern of success through taking small steps.
Most people choose big goals for their New Year’s Resolutions. Nothing wrong with having a big goal or vision of how you want to be a year from now. However there are reasons that gyms are packed in January and are pretty empty by end of February. Maybe, going to the gym 3-4/week isn’t a realistic goal for you. What has stopped you from succeeding in the past? You need to assess this because you need to incorporate a plan to get around these obstacles if you want to succeed at your goals this year.
Imagine the end goal but choose 1 small action you can do consistently. This will be your New Year’s Resolution. This is the key to you succeeding. Little goals have big impact. For example, if you stopped eating 150 calories per day, you would lose a lb. of fat in about 10 days. This could lead to a good weight loss in a year. Now, realistically everyone has different metabolisms and activity levels so this will vary from person to person. However, cutting out 1 can of pop per day and replacing it with a no calorie sparkling water flavored with Vitality Essential Oils will have an impact. (They cost less than 10 cents to make) .Do this for 30 days until you have developed the habit of using a flavored water you can make yourself for a few cents instead of grabbing a pop. Once this becomes a consistent habit then select another small action to take consistently.
What you will be doing is achieving 12 successful mini-goals over the year - this teaches us a pattern of success we can build on.
What Simple Action Can You Take Daily this Month to Improve Your Nutrition?
Maybe your goal is to improve your nutrition - Everyone knows we should eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables/day. When planning a meal, ½ of your plate should be vegetables. Many people don’t do this. Having ½ your plate be vegetables when you are not used to eating them is probably too big of a jump. A small step you could take is this month is to add 1 serving of vegetables per day. Choose different colors for a variety but just add one serving per day for 1 month. When you have this consistently in your meals after a month, add one more the next month. Another simple action you can take is drink 2 oz a day of a Ningxia Red, a nutrient dense whole food juice fusion. It is a powerhouse to help fill in nutritional gaps.
Is your goal to improve your fitness level? To be physically fit you need to do about 150 minutes of cardiovascular fitness per week. This is 30 minutes 5 days a week or about 20 minutes 7 days a week. It is also good to do 2-3 days of strength per week. How can you carve out time for 20-30 minutes of exercise? What if you have difficulty doing that? Maybe start with a quick 10 minute walk during a break? Maybe you can stop taking an elevator and take the stairs? If you are out of condition and 10 minutes seems too much, what is wrong with starting with 5 minutes for the 1st month? Nothing. Do 5 minutes for the 1st month every day. The 2nd month do 10 minutes. Within 4 months you are doing 20 minutes and you are creating a lifetime habit of success.
Success is the step by step realization of your goals. You create a pattern of success by just taking simple steps for a month. If you add up all these little consistent steps you have taken over time, the end result is you not only succeeded at your New Year’s Resolutions but improving your health.
This month select a simple goal for 3 of the 6 areas for total health and well being:
1. Exercise
2. Improving Nutrition
3. Reducing Toxic Chemicals in Your Home
4. Transforming Stress and Health
5. Having Fun
6. Making a Difference
Commit to this action for 30 days. When you feel you have developed a this new habit as part of your life, add another health action for the next 30 days. Over time you have developed successful healthy lifestyle habits!