Easy ways to burn calories & add exercise to your day!
Adding movement into your day makes a big difference in your fitness level and
maintaining a healthy weight.
Many years ago, way before cell phones, I read a study where people stopped burning 150/calories/day just by adding a 2nd phone. They didn’t have to run for the phone as much. Now we just reach into our pocket. We don’t run for the phone at all.
150 calories/day doesn’t sound like much but if you don’t change anything else in 23 days you will gain about 1 lb. of weight. At the end of the year, you can easily pack on 10-15 lbs. Inactivity adds up!
The reverse is true. Even small amounts of activity add up in burning calories and improving fitness!
Here are some ways to add more movement and exercise in your day:
Even at home, walking and talking on the phone burns calories and adds movement to your day.
Tap into TV. When watching television, use commercials to exercise such as squats, jumping jacks, crunches, march or dance around during a show.
Talk and walk. Whenever you are on the phone, walk and talk.
Park your car way out. When doing errands or parking for work, pull into spaces farther from the entrance and walk to the door.
· Better yet, if I have an errand that is a mile or less from my home, I walk rather than drive. It is better for me and the environment.
More Ways to Burn Calories & Move:
Ban elevators. When you have a choice, always take the elevator. My husband worked on the 7th floor. He stopped taking the elevator. It didn’t take any more time but made a big difference in his fitness level and maintaining a healthy weight. You can always start with 1 floor.
Exercise with cooking. While preparing food, stand arm’s length away from the counter. Grab the edge of the counter and do standing pushups. Turn around with fingers pointing down, bend elbows and do triceps dips. Grab the sink and do squats.
Wait actively. If you are waiting for your kid’s practice to end, stroll up and down the sidelines. Increase the intensity by adding 1-minute bursts of fast paced walking.
Stand & Tighten Up. Make the most of standing in line. Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart with knees relaxed. Exhale and contract your stomach muscles and lift your pelvic floor. Think of scooping out your lower abdominal muscles. Hold 5-10 seconds and release. You can do this when sitting at a red light when you are in your car too.
All of these little extra exercises will add up in losing weight and being more fit. It doesn’t take any more time during your day.
Which ones are you going to start doing today?