Self-Care for Your Heart

Self-care for your heart is really self-care for your whole self.  You can improve and protect your health overall by:

  •  Get a daily dose of physical activity such as a brisk, 30-minute walk. Here are 3 walking programs that you can do anywhere.

  •  Cook meals that are low in sodium and unhealthy fats.

  • Sleep 7-8 hours a night.

  •  Manage stress. Try meditation, yoga, a warm bath, or quiet time with a good book or funny movie.  Here is a quick stress technique that only takes a couple minutes. If you practice this throughout the day it will help keep your stress levels lower. Try yoga. Here is a free class to help with the winter blues..

  • Strive to stay at a healthy weight for you by moving more and having snacks like fruits and veggies ready to grab when hunger hits. Hummus and vegetables are good balance of proteins and carbs.